Roasted Pumpkin Soup

I have posted a lot of fall recipes this season and here is one more.

Soups and fancy bread together is a perfect combination and I am serving my roasted pumpkin soup with fancy cranberry-walnut artisan bread I got from Traders Joes. You can get any artisan bread for this recipe.

My friends always ask me how do I experiment with new vegetables and my instant response to that is I don’t think about my recipe first, I first pick a new appealing vegetable from grocery store, bring it home, and then think about creating a recipe.

So here is the recipe for my roasted pumpkin soup:


1 medium size pie pumpkin

1/2 quart of vegetable broth

5 tablespoon of maple syrup (or honey or agave nectar)

1/2 tablespoons of cumin powder

1/2 tablespoons of coriander powder

1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice

1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream (or whole milk)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Misto Spray)

Garnish with parsley or cilantro or pumpkin seeds

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 350 degree. Cut the pie pumpkin in half, spray olive oil (Misto Spray), and roast them cut side down into a baking pan. Remove the seeds and scoop the pumpkin filling.

Add pumpkin filling and all other ingredients. Blend all together and heat up for 10 – 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Note: I use soup mode 2-3 times on my Blendtec and it heats up the soup automatically in the blender.

Blendtec Soup Mode Soup

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